Gun Control, Safety, and Aftermath Plays

I have updated the Free Scripts page of my website with three new plays, all dealing with the issue of gun violence. These scripts are located at the top of the page and are free to perform for anyone, but I do suggest you make a donation to any organization helping to deal with the issue of gun violence in the United States today.

These selections are particularly well suited for high school forensics students, but have been performed by other theaters as well.

I have also included comments about these plays culled from reader comments on the New Play Exchange.

On The Front Lines, In School And In Theatre – Arts Integrity Initiative

I am tired. I am tired of reading posts about “my rights” to a hobby that includes automatic rifles. You like guns, fine. But accept the fact that guns are dangerous and require …

Source: On The Front Lines, In School And In Theatre – Arts Integrity Initiative

New Podcast

As many of my regular followers know, for the past couple of years, I’ve been actively involved in “radio” style theater for a couple of years now through my friend Sherri’s program Sherri’s Playhouse. I’ve decided now, to launch my own style of podcast audio drama theater called The Ten Minute Play Podcast, where I present a new play in ten minutes or less.

This week, I’m presenting my original monologue, WARNING SHOTS, as the inaugural episode. this play deals with the burning of Lawrence, KS during the Civil War. It was performed by Jocelyn Goodwin, directed by William Goodwin, and written and produced by me.

You can find THE TEN MINUTE PLAY PODCAST on BlogTalkRadio and soon, iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio and other podcatchers. Thanks for all the support and tune in.

Something New


So, as kind of a spur of the moment thing today, I decided to do something…sorta of new but not really. It is something that I have been wanting to do for awhile but just hadn’t worked up the energy to do yet, but something in me today said, “Everett just DO this.”

So, I did.

It’s a surprise, but it’s coming tomorrow at 1:30pm Central time, so be on the lookout on my Facebook and Twitter pages for that announcement. And as soon as it goes up, you’ll find it here on my page as well.